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Sport boomerang throwing is played all over the world.

The BAA is a member of the IFBA (International Federation of Boomerang Associations)


The IFBA unites all National Boomerang Association which agree to the IFBA statute and regularly take part and organise Boomerang tournaments according to the rules of IFBA.

The IFBA statute has as one of its most important points the spirit of “sport for all”. The rule of the competitions are a way to “measure” the game but the inclusion of all the thrower is as important as the game.







We have throwers all around Australia with two State Associations, you can contact directly for information on boomerangs in your area.


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We can connect you with throwers from all over the world or on your travels you may want to stop and check out the many competitions and events happening.

Your country not listed? let us know and we will see if we have any throwers near by that can help.

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Current member Associations of the IFBA 


Brazil – Associação Brasileira de Bumerangue


Czech Republic – Czech Boomerang Association


Denmark – Dansk Boomerang Forbund


France – France Boomerang Fédération


Germany – Deutscher Bumerang Club e. V.


Italy – Società Italiana Boomerang Sportivo


Japan – Japan Boomerang Association


Spain – Lanzadores Asociados de Boomerang Deportivo de España


Switzerland – Swiss Boomerang Federation


United Kingdom – British Boomerang Society


USA – United States Boomerang Association


International Boomerang Team
Andy Sels (Belgium)
Vivek Montrose (India)

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