Australian Nationals & Competition Results
1971, January 31st. Albury. Our first 'Australian National Championships', with heavy rain there were 19 throwers from Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria.
Until 1985, an event called ‘General Championship’ was used to determine the Australian Champion. It was very similar to Aussie Round, except for the absence of points for throwing fifty metres, and the use of four, rather than five, accuracy circles.
At radii of 1.5, 3.5, 5.5, and 7.5 metres, you could earn only 8 points for accuracy. A perfect score for one round of ten throws was therefore 160 points, not 200 as in Aussie Round. The first round of ten throws established the top three (or more, if scores were tied) competitors. The top scorers would then throw a second round to determine the champion.
In some cases, the Champion was decided on the score from the ten throws made in the second round, and in other cases the sum of the two rounds was used. If the latter method was used, it is noted by an asterisk next to the score.
In 1985 the modern Aussie Round event replaced General Championship. In 1988 a mixture of events was first used to determine who was the Australian Champion.
In the late 1970's to mid 1980's the Nationals were held annually in Albury, this later changed due to no throwers actually living in Albury to organise the event. We now give each state the opportunity to hold this event usually between Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia.
Below are the top Champions for each division and how many wins they have achieved over the years.
Top place getters are number of placings of 1st, 2nd or 3rd in total.
Top Overall Mens Champion
10 Rob Croll (VIC)
8 Grant Perry (WA)
4 Craig Carter (VIC)
3 Bob Burwell (VIC)
3 Roger Perry (WA)
2 Peter Lewry (NSW)
2 Joe Lewry (NSW)
2 Barrie Forsyth ()
2 Dennis Maxwell (VIC)
2 Paul Bryden ()
2 David Schummy (QLD)
2 Ian Sproul (WA)
2 Tim Lendrum (NSW)
Top Place Getters
21 Rob Croll (VIC)
10 Bernard "Bunny" Read (VIC)
9 Grant Perry (WA)
8 David Schummy (QLD)
8 Roger Perry (WA)
7 Br. Brian Thomas (VIC)
7 Craig Carter (VIC)
Top Overall Ladies Champion
9 Christene Metzakis (WA)
6 Carol Lewry (NSW)
6 Leanne Loveland (VIC)
3 Angie Perry (WA)
3 Leonie Metzakis (WA)
Top Overall Junior Champion
6 Jarrod Byham ()
4 Craig Carter (VIC)
3 Trent Carter (VIC)
3 Jordan Neville ()
Top Overall Veteran Champion
6 Br. Brian Thomas ()
3 Kevin Moran ()
3 Leonie Metzakis (WA)
3 Roger Perry (WA)
2 Bob Burwell ()
2 Brian Kemp ()